Novotel Mumbai Juhu Beach has received an A+ hygiene rating score under the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India’s (FSSAI) ‘Food Hygiene Rating Scheme’ certification system. This certification is an assurance that the hotel follows all food and safety standards and has exemplary compliance in the Third Party Audit (TPA) that was conducted. The rating is in the form of smileys (1 up to 5), with 5 being the highest. Novotel Mumbai Juhu Beach has received 5 smileys.
In the current situation, with safety and hygiene being of utmost importance, this kind of excellent rating improves confidence and reassures guests of a quality experience.
Speaking on the certification, Gorav Arora, General Manager, Novotel Mumbai Juhu Beach said, “These unprecedented times have made people rightfully concerned about their health and unsure of consuming restaurant food that they earlier used to enjoy. Receiving an A+ hygiene rating is proof of the transparency, reinforced cleanliness protocol and stringent measures that are in place at Novotel Mumbai Juhu Beach. It is a wonderful acknowledgement of the hard work and dedication shown by our team to support the confidence of those guests returning to travel and dining.”