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Tourism and Hospitality Skill Council National in association with NSDC concludes IndiaSkills 2021 National rounds

The 5 skill rounds were Patisserie & Confectionery, Cooking, Bakery, Hotel Reception and Restaurant

Tourism and Hospitality Skill Council (THSC) in association with NSDC, conducted the IndiaSkills 2021 National Competition, which concluded with great zeal and fervour. NSDC is the nodal agency for conducting IndiaSkills Competitions under Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE). THSC is a not-for-profit organisation tackling the skilling of manpower for industry requirements which administered the Hospitality category competitions under their guidance.

The five-day mega event witnessed 500+ participants from 26 states or union territories competing and displaying their skills in more than 50 skills. Tourism and Hospitality Skill Council (THSC) conducted the rounds for 5 skills –Patisserie & Confectionery, Cooking, Bakery, Hotel Reception and Restaurant. The competitions were held from 6th to 10th January, with all the Covid-19 safety protocols being followed including no entry for visitors/ spectators, adequate social distancing, and frequent sanitization of the competition premises.

The closing ceremony was graced by the august presence of many honourable dignitaries including Shri Rajesh Aggarwal, Secretary, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Government of India; Shri Atul Kumar Tiwari, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Skill Development Entrepreneurship, Government of India; Shri Ved Mani Tiwari, Chief Operating Officer and Officiating Chief Executive Officer, National Skill Development Corporation; Shri Prakash Sharma, Director, WorldSkills India and Col. Arun Chandel, Senior Head, WorldSkills India.

The winners across different skills were felicitated at the closing ceremony by the dignitaries and wished all the best to represent India at WorldSkills. 

Bikash Ranjan Chand was awarded Gold in Bakery category, in Cooking category, Avani Patil won gold, Anushree S was awarded Gold in Hotel Reception category, In Patisserie and Confectionery category, David Shukla won Gold and Subrat Patel won gold in Restaurant service category.

These winners will get a chance to undergo best-in-class industry training to prepare them for the WorldSkills International Competition scheduled in Shanghai, China in October 2022.

Shri Ved Mani Tiwari, Chief Operating Officer and Officiating Chief Executive Officer, National Skill Development Corporation said, “Skills create opportunities, build societies and fuel economic growth. With this intent, IndiaSkills Competition makes skills aspirational, raising awareness about the importance of skilling in one’s life. Hospitality skills such as bakery, cooking, hotel reception, patisserie & confectionery and restaurant service are a perfect blend of tradition and modernity, offering immense career opportunities and leading to global recognition.”

Sharing his thoughts on the upcoming competition, CEO of THSC, Mr. Rajan Bahadur says, “IndiaSkills plays a catalytic role in improving the overall aspiration for vocational training in India. With such enthusiastic and talented participation, another major step has been taken to successfully harness the potential of our youth and give opportunities to our skilled workforce. We are optimistic that the finalists of this year will truly raise the bar and bring laurels to our nation at WorldSkills, as they have in the past. We thank the NSDC for their support and guidance”