As the G20 activities gather momentum, there is much enthusiasm about India’s growing economic power. Many economists believe that becoming a $20 trillion economy with $10,000 per capita income by 2047 is within India’s reach. In this enthusiasm, it will be best not to forget the importance of bridging the inequality gap and the role that tourism and hospitality can play in inclusive growth. In that context it is refreshing that the finance minister started the reference to tourism by mentioning the role in creation of jobs and entrepreneurship. But that is only part of the story. Way back in 1997, Antonio Savignac former Secretary General of UNWTO and former Minister of Planning and Finance in Mexico in a speech in Delhi recounted Mexico’s search for a development model. Their detailed search, permutation and combinations of various sectoral models led them to tourism. “We were amazed to find this hidden and, to us, unknown jewel but our biggest surprise, what really made it unique, was the way the product is consumed locally. This makes tourism an incredibly agile and flexible tool for economic and social development.”
The facts are known and need no repetition—that tourism is the single largest employer in the world with 334 million direct and indirect employment, with low barriers to entry contributing to all strata of society, women account for 54% of employment in the sector, compared to 39% for the global economy. In India, it’s a pillar of economic development, accounting for around 10% of the total employment directly and millions indirectly.
The hospitality industry is alive to these potential and its role in making that happen. The industry roughed out the worst two years in its existence and is now on road to full recovery. At the peak of the pandemic, the Tbilisi Declaration of 2020 projected a design for future tourism as one for the people, the planet, and for prosperity. Hospitality industry is now consciously gravitating towards those dynamics of new tourism of sustainability, commitment to people, adoption of technology – in short responsible tourism and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) concerns. Hotel Association of India (HAI) showcase the collective efforts of the industry.
PPP is the flavour of the recent government announcements on tourism. At the macro level the industry has been at the forefront in partnership in all initiatives, global and local like the Sustainability Basics of WTTC, and the Ministry’s sustainability initiatives. HAI has also framed sustainable guidelines based on the needs of the members and relevant to their functioning. These are self-regulating commitments with mechanism for identifying the felt needs, monitoring responses of the organization, indicating fault lines and emulating good practices across the industry.
At the micro level, the hotels have generally accepted the responsibility in two aspects. First, commitment to people and inclusive growth through, just to illustrate, local supply chain, encourage local crafts people, weavers, dancers, folk artistes, local chefs and so on. Second, discharging responsibilities for the principles of SDG in numerous ways – avoiding single use plastic, innovations in use of water and energy, cleaning the hills and beaches of garbage, use of renewable energy, water harvesting, the list is endless.
(HAI) has been projecting the ‘Social Face’ of the Indian hospitality industry projecting such good examples which are often unseen, trying to remove the misconception that the industry is elitst. An industry composed of about 80 percent SMEs can hardly be elitist. It will be pertinent to mention a few examples of the social face of the industry.
In 1996 (the year of its inception), HAI identified a special “Green” week (starting June 5) to show its commitment to green causes. So, for over two decades, HAI member hotels have been organizing activities involving hotel owners, employees, their families, hotel guests, hotel vendors, local schools & communities to celebrate and commemorate World Environment Day.
In 2014, HAI adopted WHO’s World Hygiene Day to inculcate the habit of washing hands with soap and water, to ward of viral infection, among school students, marginalized sections, local orphanages, hotel vendors, guests, visitors, staff and staff families. The effort helps to create public awareness about hygiene and to promote community well-being.
For Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan, all HAI member hotels are encouraged to adopt a stretch of up to 500 meters close to the property to maintain it clean and garbage free.
These are only small illustrations of the industry’s involvement and commitment to sustainable development and inclusive growth. The industry is replete with examples of pioneering initiatives by the big hotels which have won national and international acclaim. The more encouraging development is that such examples have percolated down the line encouraging the smaller players across the country and sustainable practices is slowly becoming a way of life for all.